Updates in Picando Code: privacy policy, HTTPS and more


As I mentioned recently, I have been investing a little time in the blog and I have been improving some things little by little.

Chopping code in maintenance

Among these things that I have been doing, I updated the Privacy Policy of the site. I recently deleted all the codes that I ever used for being an affiliate on Amazon and some other online service. Most of these links were from many years ago. At that time I signed up for some affiliate programs with the idea of ​​generating enough income to pay for the hosting of this site. But it is no longer the idea.

I think I managed to remove all the links of that type, but if you find any, I thank you for letting me know to edit it. The respective accounts are closed and I continue in my campaign to avoid and boycott Amazon ?

With all that, I also eliminated the section that spoke of these “sponsored” links with tracking codes in the Privacy Policy. The only “commercial” links that remain are those that go to the Humble Bundle, which all they include is a parameter with my affiliate id.

I also removed any reference to Google Analytics and the use of cookies from the privacy policy. I have been using Matomo Analytics, an ethical visitor statistics manager that respects the privacy of users. Cookies to track users who visit the site are disabled. So at least for my part, I have nothing to track visits or use for users’ cookies. I have no way of identifying the people who visit the site.

Another issue that I’ve been seeing is always serving the pages and resources in HTTPS, even when someone enters through an http link to the site. I think that is also fixed, and if we enter any page with https://picandocodigo.net or http://picandocodigo.com, the server will redirect us to the version with https.

On the other hand, I have been working a bit on the server performance and some JS and CSS files are being served with less http requests or in asynchronous mode. I noticed that some files from different plugins or functionalities did not work perfectly at first and had to correct that. I think everything is corrected, but if you find any detail or error in JavaScript or CSS, thank you for letting me know ?

Another thing that I remember correcting is a bug in the CSS style that had been dragging on since the last update of the theme (which is now its first year!). When entering a page or post with comments disabled, the right sidebar would move down the content ?‍♂️. But I finally corrected it so the pages should look fine.

I wanted to share some of the small changes that are suddenly not so visible, but it’s good that they are. I’m going to keep fixing and improving what I see, and suddenly adding things, I have ideas for more Easter eggs …

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